Loving God


Jesus said,
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.”

— Matthew 22:37 [NLT]

Sunday Worship • 10am

You are welcome here!

Loving God begins with bringing him honor and praise. God-centered worship is intended to provide an encounter with God, who refreshes, encourages, strengthens, and challenges us. In worship, we use a mixture of ancient, classic, and modern music, congregational prayer, and biblically-based messages to challenge and encourage everyone. Come as you are, and let’s celebrate God together.

Toward the beginning of the service, kids will be asked to come forward for the “Kid’s Moment” . After that, they’ll move to an adjacent room for Kid’s Church. Kid’s Church offers age-appropriate lessons with activities for kids ages 3 years – 5th Grade to help introduce and grow faith in Christ. Kids will return to the sanctuary before the end of service.

We also offer a staffed nursery for infants during worship.